Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Enough of all the serious political stuff. How's this for a mid-life crisis, or an act of cockeyed silliness: I got a little red convertible this week. A sporty little Mini with a manual transmission. What fun! No real justification for it, though I do plan to make it my go-to, tool-around-town car. Finally, took my feet out of cement and put them on the clutch instead. Whoo-Hoo!!!

Slip Sliding Away

It's starting to feel like it's very possible for Barack Obama and the Democrats to lose this presidential election. That seemed nearly impossible just a few short months ago. Perhaps I should play opposite girl and vote for McCain on the theory that my vote often doesn't matter in that the election goes to the other side. Perhaps I can weave some spell into my vote, causing McCain to lose by a landslide.

I often come back to what my father, z'l, said about the United States in the last years of his life, viz., that the United States would destroy itself and destroy the world. As I look at the possibilities before us, I can't help but wonder if his prophecy is not long from now to come true. To me at least, a McCain victory would mean one more giant step in that terrifying direction.

I only have one vote. I only have one voice. I keep praying that Obama will start to fight back harder on economic issues. I keep praying that Americans won't fall for the usual B.S. that the Democrats represent weakness and aren't serious enough to tackle important issues. I don't honestly have a whole lot of faith in the Democrats, and I most assuredly don't worship at the altar of Obamamania, but the consequences of a McCain presidency are truly frightening and not something I think this country will survive in good form.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unbridled Hatred

So what magnitude of problem is it that I sometimes dream of seeing Bush/Cheney beheaded on YouTube? Actually, I've never had such a dream, but I've certainly wished for them to be subjected to the same indignities they have so cavalierly visited upon others, whether through war, illegal wiretapping, cruel indifference ("let them eat cake in New Orleans"), and blindness to the struggles and suffering of anyone and everyone who isn't a wealthy, white businessman. OK, I admit it; I've also wished every imaginable disease on them, and with every possible attendant suffering. I've wished for their daughters to be drop-shipped blindfolded into Baghdad, and for Cheney's hunting buddies to fire back.

I don't think any of this makes me crazy, or a threat to national security. I am, quite simply, horrified, furious and frustrated over what those two venal jackasses have done to my country. I have never in my life been embarrassed to be an American. It took the worst president/vice president combination in any imaginable lifetime to get me to that point. All the good things we've stood for as a nation have been ....ed away by the coke-sniffing, drunk driving mama's boy president and the vice president who's made it quite clear to all of us that it's ice that flows through his veins, not blood. These two chicken-shit service-dodgers are all too happy to send other people's sons and daughters into harm's way. These armchair warriors wouldn't know courage or bravery if it walked up and bit them in the ass. History will surely bury them. But forgive me if I hope another kind of burial visits them even sooner...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Toe in Cyberspace

I have to laugh at myself as I try to be current to some degree with 21st century technology. Linked, Facebook, even blogging. But truly I do it all with half-hearted enthusiasm. Yes, I can get that momentary charge from reconnecting with someone, or finding shared "friends" but I don't really feel part of any kind of cyber community. I don't take it very seriously. I find all the options exhausting. I find seeing other people's links, articles, quotes, recommendations, game choices, political leanings, etc. to be somehow oppressive. It all seems like a cheap kind of voyeurism.

I put little bits of myself out there, but with a certain amount of trepidation, and with a larger amount of cynicism. Maybe it's the generational divide, but I think not. There are people my age and older eagerly embracing and using these tools. I'm sure it's in part my feeling only marginally competent in how I use all this stuff. But truly I think it's that I am old-fashioned. I need the tactile connection. I need to hold a friend's hand, kiss a friend's cheek, look into someone's eyes and bat ideas back and forth. Maybe the idea sharing can be done faster via the web, but I'm sorry, being tagged or poked or whatever the hell the terminology is will never measure up (favorably) to being embraced for real. At least for me.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My Country?

There's so much sturm and drang associated with this presidential election. I try to avoid most of it. I try to pay attention to the things that matter, at least to me. I don't believe Obama's the messiah, the second coming of anything. I believe that he is precisely what he is: a politician. He's ambitious, shrewd and calculating. He's also well-spoken, smart and capable of balancing complex ideas in his single brain. OK, that last one sounds a little "superhero-ish," but considering what we've had the past (nearly) eight years, a cadaver would look like a genius.

As for McCain, I tried to be objective, and to believe that he was indeed some sort of maverick, someone who bucked either party to get the right and necessary things done. Other than his opposition to farm subsidies, and his crossing the aisle to cosponsor campaign finance legislation (neither of which has had a discernible impact on how business gets done in D.C.), I can't figure out how and whether McCain is different. He's backtracked on his previous opposition to Bush's tax cuts, and has publicly announced his ignorance of economic issues. Not encouraging at a time of seeming economic meltdown here in the good 'ole US of A.

So balancing my usual skepticism against my desperate, mad, screaming desire to see this country do a radical 180, I find myself falling down squarely on one side of the choice fence. Although I know he'd inherit a monumental pile of excrement, I have to hope, pray, and do what else I can to try to get Obama elected.

No, I don't think he'll be able to dig us out of the bottomless well of problems we're stuck in, but at least he's not impoverished re: the vision thing. He actually has some ideas about where we might go as a country and why it matters that we arrive at one destination vs. another. He can articulate--and might actually start us down the road toward--a future I'd want to embrace, both for myself and for my children.

If my prayers go unanswered, I've got Plan B. I've told my husband that we'll start shopping for real estate outside these borders. Another round of the same old Republican crap and I'm done. This country won't be mine any more, and I'm not sure it'd be worth sticking around to see it collapse under the weight of so much dead thinking, mean-spiritedness, and ugly disregard for the rights, privileges, obligations, openness, and optimism that have made the United States great. Or at least once did.