Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Slip Sliding Away

It's starting to feel like it's very possible for Barack Obama and the Democrats to lose this presidential election. That seemed nearly impossible just a few short months ago. Perhaps I should play opposite girl and vote for McCain on the theory that my vote often doesn't matter in that the election goes to the other side. Perhaps I can weave some spell into my vote, causing McCain to lose by a landslide.

I often come back to what my father, z'l, said about the United States in the last years of his life, viz., that the United States would destroy itself and destroy the world. As I look at the possibilities before us, I can't help but wonder if his prophecy is not long from now to come true. To me at least, a McCain victory would mean one more giant step in that terrifying direction.

I only have one vote. I only have one voice. I keep praying that Obama will start to fight back harder on economic issues. I keep praying that Americans won't fall for the usual B.S. that the Democrats represent weakness and aren't serious enough to tackle important issues. I don't honestly have a whole lot of faith in the Democrats, and I most assuredly don't worship at the altar of Obamamania, but the consequences of a McCain presidency are truly frightening and not something I think this country will survive in good form.

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