Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Toe in Cyberspace

I have to laugh at myself as I try to be current to some degree with 21st century technology. Linked, Facebook, even blogging. But truly I do it all with half-hearted enthusiasm. Yes, I can get that momentary charge from reconnecting with someone, or finding shared "friends" but I don't really feel part of any kind of cyber community. I don't take it very seriously. I find all the options exhausting. I find seeing other people's links, articles, quotes, recommendations, game choices, political leanings, etc. to be somehow oppressive. It all seems like a cheap kind of voyeurism.

I put little bits of myself out there, but with a certain amount of trepidation, and with a larger amount of cynicism. Maybe it's the generational divide, but I think not. There are people my age and older eagerly embracing and using these tools. I'm sure it's in part my feeling only marginally competent in how I use all this stuff. But truly I think it's that I am old-fashioned. I need the tactile connection. I need to hold a friend's hand, kiss a friend's cheek, look into someone's eyes and bat ideas back and forth. Maybe the idea sharing can be done faster via the web, but I'm sorry, being tagged or poked or whatever the hell the terminology is will never measure up (favorably) to being embraced for real. At least for me.

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